
Un mundo mágico en Irlanda

Learning Diary

Learning Diary

1. After having watched the video, answer the questions below and share them with the rest of the class

in your Learning Diary.

-What did you like most about the video?

Answer: The most striking feature of the video is its quality of showing people the balance between the cultural and the nature of the city, at the gastronomic level "The English Market" is the main attraction.

-Have you ever been abroad?

Answer: We have never really been abroad or close to it, we use google maps and the internet to travel.

-What Colombian cities have you visited?

Answer: The most striking cities we have met are in the middle and north of the country, such as Paipa, Sogamoso, Nobsa, Tibasosa, Bogota, Capitanejo, San Gil, Santa Marta, Cartagena, San Andres, Eje Cafetero, Melgar and Others.

-Do you remember any of the monuments you visited?

Answer: Some, I would highlight those nearby, such as the monument to the Sun of Sogamoso, the monuments of recycled objects in Nobsa, the lanceros of Pantano de Vargas and some others.

-Any interesting or favorite landmarks?

Answer: The point I remember most is the Los Nevados National Natural Park in the Eje Cafetero, a wonderful place where you can appreciate the colors of the mountains.

-Do you recommend visiting any of these cities? Why? Why not?

Of course, these cities, even if they are not the most famous, tend to represent our country abroad and its cultural variety.

2. As you could see, this is a good resource to see places and hear sounds about the city we're going towork on along this project. You are going to answer the questions below and you are going to sharethem with the rest of the class in your Learning Diary.

-Which has been more surprising to you?

Answer: The beauty of the organization between the natural and the city, how the city was built around the Lee River, an image of absolute natural beauty.

-Is there anything that you already knew?

Answer: Mostly, I mainly knew about how this city is famous for the construction around the Lee River, but I didn't know more.

-Have you chosen your favorite place in Cork?

Answer: The unanimous favorite site is the English Market and Blarney Castle.

2. You have to create a glossary where you can add the basic vocabulary about what you can do to recycle.

- Recycling Bin: Contenedor o Bote de basura de reciclaje.
- Rid: Eliminar algo.
- Waste: Desperidicos.
- The three R's: Las tres Erres, reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Reduce: Reducir. use the least amount of natural resources possible.
- Reuse: Reutilizar, reuse something, usually with a different function than the one it originally had.
- Recycle: Reciclar.. putting used or waste materials into a transformation process so that they can be reused.
- Environment: Medio Ambiente, A system formed by natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and modified by human action.
- Trash; Basura. an object or material that is considered waste and needs to be disposed of.

3. After listening, do the vocabulary and comprehension quizzes,

Vocabulary Quiz


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